The prince leaped to his feet, extending his hand in the direction whence came the sound, there was no mistaking it - it was the noise of cannon.
The prince leapt lithely back as the huntsman raised his sword and charged, slashing the weapon in a vicious arc towards Thuro's left side.
The prince leapt back, his sword slashing up almost of its own volition.
Ronnie and the prince leaped together and landed on it like two eager players trying to recover a fumbled ball.
The acrobatic prince could leap from column to column, run along a wall from one ledge to the next, slide under whirring blades or slay a demon by vaulting over its head and attacking from behind.
The prince clambered over the sill and leapt the ten feet to the flagstones, his white robes flaring out in the breeze.
The prince leaped to one side and took the spear in his shoulder.
The prince leapt from the rock.
The princes leaped to their feet as the royal vaid emerged from their father's chambers.
The prince leaped to her side and caught her unconscious body before she hit the ground.