A. Interdisciplinary medical education and educational programs to address the very specific need of primary-care physicians requires much more attention.
It is somewhat equivalent to using a coroner as your primary-care physician.
A rhetorical question, what better way to address the need for primary-care physicians than to look in one's own backyard?
If a patient contracts an infection, a primary-care physician will usually put them on a course of antibiotics.
The goal is to have every primary-care physician in the city hospital system using the test within the next two or three years.
Although my decision is far from settled, I do not foresee becoming a primary-care physician.
The ophthalmologist I go to spotted it even before my primary-care physician did.
"I support the desire to increase fees for primary-care physicians, who have an increasingly critical role."
Start with your primary-care physician; back pain is so common that most family docs have seen lots of it.
"To ask primary-care physicians to be thrown in that situation will delay a diagnosis," he said.