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It is the first stone on the fourth row of the priestly breastplate.
Each is names after one of the stones in the biblical priestly breastplate, called hachoshen in Hebrew.
Moses reputedly used the Shamir to carve the Hoshen (Priestly breastplate) into the tablets of stone.
Priestly breastplate (Hebrew hoshen): with twelve gems, each engraved with the name of one of the tribes; a pouch in which he probably carried the Urim and Thummim.
For the high priest these include a priestly tunic, linen undergarments, sash, robe, priestly turban, ephod (with Urim and Thummim), and a priestly breastplate with 12 stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel.
Statuary within the garden represent Old Testament figures such as Noah (with both an ark and bunches of grapes), Aaron wearing the priestly breastplate, David with the head of Goliath, and Jael slaying Sisera.