They even suspected their own members of violating their price-fixing agreement and selling in Germany below the cartel's fixed cost.
For decades, the Supreme Court has held that price-fixing agreements are so harmful to competition that they should be automatically treated as antitrust violations.
It is plainly alleged that the information exchange permitted, and was intended to permit, fellow conspirators to identify renegades from the price-fixing agreement.
Opponents of the price-fixing agreement say support for it is a blend of cultural elitism and business pessimism.
While an antitrust exemption might help achieve the White House goal of lower drug prices, Federal courts have been hostile to price-fixing agreements.
The Supreme Court has long held that price-fixing agreements should be automatically condemned as illegal.
These price-fixing agreements have been illegal since a 1911 Supreme Court case, but our bill would write that judge-made rule into the Federal antitrust laws.
The Government identified more than 50 separate price-fixing agreements covering hundreds of routes.
In a 4-3 decision, the court held that the maximum fee agreements, as price-fixing agreements, are per se unlawful under 1 of the Sherman Act.
Her job had been made a little easier by the price-fixing agreement reached at a recent meeting for European farm ministers.