A prize was given to the person with the most previous offenses.
The reports made by the police in this respect can be a valuable guide to the court, particularly on the question of previous offenses.
Fines for illicit honking range from $125 to $500, depending on the number of previous offenses.
"Mr. Dahl's previous offenses have nothing to do with this case," he said.
Even if it does, unless he's on file from some previous offense or something, it won't be much help in finding him.
Modus operandi coincided with that in the twerp's two previous offenses.
The statute of limitations, alas, had expired on his previous offenses.
Mr. House had a previous drunken-driving offense in 1987.
Before the shooting, Loughner had two previous offenses, one of which was for drug possession.
"i'm not surprised," he muttered, knowing he was being punished for some previous offense.