Is it a profound masterpiece, or pretentious nonsense?
After two centuries it seems as if some people still don't understand the difference between pretentious nonsense and effective academic writing.
He'd expected the oracle's message to be pretentious nonsense.
The article was just so much pretentious, angst-filled, blue-state nonsense.
Popular with local families, this rustic restaurant (4) sources its ingredients from its own farms and serves terrific local dishes with no pretentious nonsense.
It is part horror story, part absurdist comedy, mostly pretentious nonsense.
Stark and direct proof that everything he had been writing all night was pretentious nonsense; hot-air balloons and horsefeathers.
Is the United States a nation of "gullible morons" unable to tell the difference between good literature and pretentious nonsense?
That could be pretentious nonsense, but as it translates into this building, at least, it bears heeding.
Full of pretentious nonsense and desperately dull.