Mwai Kibaki has kept a low profile during the violence that has swept Kenya since his disputed presidential re-election.
Others have said that the term extension was only a ploy to divert public attention from the issue of allowing presidential re-election.
The current Constitution of Mexico prohibits any type of presidential re-election.
A growing scandal over illegal funding of the PS and of Mitterrand's 1988 presidential re-election campaign came to a head in April.
The Constitution includes a clause banning a second consecutive presidential re-election.
In post-dictatorship Guatemala, the Political Constitution of Guatemala allowed only a six-year term, and forbade presidential re-election.
This success made Sherman a household name and helped ensure Lincoln's presidential re-election in November.
The constitution was also amended in 1926 to presidential re-elections as long as the presidents didn't serve consecutive terms; this amendment would later be repealed in 1934.
He also suggested the passing of a constitutional referendum to legitimate his presidential re-election.
The role of the Assembly was to review and amend certain articles of the constitution, which resulted in an amendment to repeal the ban on presidential re-elections.