Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Then, more slowly now that the preliminary conditions of their conversation were established, the man continued.
Any negotiations that begin with preliminary conditions are doomed to failure.
A preliminary condition, to be sure, was an abundant supply of telephone equipment.
Fast payments are also a necessary and preliminary condition for investment, growth and job creation.
So much for the preliminary conditions of matrimony.
The Florence conclusions are as follows: first, the preliminary conditions must be satisfied, one of which is an additional cull programme.
But if the preliminary conditions agreed in Florence are not satisfied, then the export ban will not be lifted.
Enlargement is in danger of becoming a dog's dinner as a number of preliminary conditions have not been met. Some of these are detailed below.
That is why the use of radio frequencies' spectrum is evaluated as one of the preliminary conditions for successful military operations.
The widest dissemination of culture, that is to say barbarism, is quite precisely the preliminary condition for communism.
He has refused all real negotiation at any stage, since negotiations necessarily mean dropping preliminary conditions like the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait.
We insist on compliance with the fundamental standards of the International Labour Organisation as a preliminary condition for entering into trade agreements.
"We spent almost three years trying to begin these negotiations, but there were so many preliminary conditions from the Chechen side," Mr. Smirnyagin said.
The Turkish Government’s recognition of Cyprus and the Armenian genocide remain preliminary conditions for the negotiations to continue after 3 October.
The release – I quote – ‘of the two imprisoned Syrian parliamentarians is a preliminary condition for the signing of the Association Agreement.’
They said the two sides had agreed in Moscow on a few preliminary conditions for a cease-fire, but that the Russian side immediately went back on on its commitments.
In 1641 he was appointed first president of the parlement, with the preliminary condition that he should not permit the general assembly of the chambers except by express order of the king.
It is quite common that before a request for judicial review of an administrative act is filed with a court, certain preliminary conditions (such as a complaint to the authority itself) must be fulfilled.
The preliminary condition, unacceptable for Germany, was to greatly extend Soviet sphere of influence to include: Bulgaria, the Bosphorus, the Dardanelles, and further south "towards Persian Gulf".
Then there is our concern, again, about the campaign against money laundering and tax havens, which in our view constitutes a real preliminary condition for accession, as other speakers before me have already pointed out.
But all these are only preliminary conditions for his task; this task itself demands something else--it requires him TO CREATE VALUES.
About four hours before the deadline, Mr. Dudayev sent a telegram to Mr. Yeltsin saying he was now ready to head a Chechen delegation to new peace talks without any preliminary conditions.
After concluding a two-day visit, Foreign Minister Igor S. Ivanov said North Korea was prepared to resume negotiations with the United States and Japan "without any preliminary conditions."
Hindoo thought and Greek thought alike impress me as being overmuch obsessed by an objective treatment of certain necessary preliminary conditions of human thought--number and definition and class and abstract form.
Secondly, once the preliminary conditions are satisfied, the intention is to proceed stage by stage with the lifting of the export ban, the procedure first requiring the British government to submit a working document to the Commission.