When those farmers predictably failed to fulfill the tough Government-set production quotas, they were often imprisoned for "sabotaging the national nutrition."
He tried pitching a sequel to 'Manos' and another script named 'Wild Desert Bikers' but predictably failed.
Bromfield's translation predictably fails in this area.
Most of the others simply picked through the newer emporiums, with results that predictably failed to arouse the crowd, many of whom outshone the models as sharp dressers.
This plan failed, leading to a one-trick defeat, and failed predictably.
Talking at cross-purposes, they predictably fail to communicate, often exacerbating their differences.
The official inquiry into the cause of the accident, held almost immediately afterwards, predictably failed to indict any one man as the sole cause of the disaster.
Both end up launching official Web sites that predictably fail to capture the spontaneous, feverish energy of what was interesting about them in the first place.
So trying to remove all the power lines in a skyline in one step will predictably fail hard:
The gang then engineer a trap, which predictably fails.