According to the original law, layoffs could not take place until 2000.
These include the original Murphy's law and other reasons why things go wrong!
The original laws were designed to keep poor children out of factories and in school.
"It's frustrated a lot of people because the original law said we couldn't do anything about it."
By the way, the original 1970 law contained no time limit on rate cases.
Having worked in a video store, I'll say that the original law was absolutely justified.
The original Law has been modified and updated a number of times.
Clearly the original laws must have been set up to deal with a different era and possible written forms, like published media.
No maps documents the name, although the original law remains in records.
Under the original law the tax would begin phasing out in January 1991.
Tonight's vote made it unlikely that the commission proposal would survive to become the primary legislation.
Orders in Council are however used as primary legislation.
Most pre-1988 primary legislation is available on this site.
An item of primary legislation, such as an Act or Measure.
So instead they will use primary legislation to get their way.
Unambiguous primary legislation cannot be "read down" in this way.
This deportation issue can only really be decided by primary legislation.
Our genius government decided that new primary legislation, or even a white paper, wasn't necessary for this particular piece of vandalism.
However, this was beyond their powers and would require primary legislation.
What we are talking about is primary legislation in line with the treaty.
The primary law making body is formed by the Dutch parliament in cooperation with the government.
Last year, Illinois officials said passage of a primary law had cut deaths by 113, about 8 percent, to the lowest number since 1943.
Until three years ago, Connecticut had one of the most restrictive primary laws in the country.
One of the primary laws of surviving until it's your turn.
I would like to think we would eventually get to a primary law.
In terms of primary law, the draft presented does not fully respond to the issues arising from the Court decision.
There is a similar situation as regards primary law.
This needs to be clearly laid down in primary law.
These agreements cannot alter the provisions of primary law but they often clarify them.
We wish the Commissioner examining the primary law had done her work in the same way, as this is where the problem lies.