The principles, however, form the basis of many individual laws at the both federal and state levels - called the "sectoral approach."
Each country has made individual laws to protect this wild cat.
They are governed by the state's individual laws.
This is probably because these two tractates aren't concerned with individual laws and therefore don't lend themselves to a Gemara style analysis.
Even Newton's contemporaries realized that the great physicist had achieved something far deeper than his individual laws.
The provinces of Sweden, or landskap were practically separate countries and had individual laws.
The four individual laws that together make up the Constitution of Sweden.
The new standards would not apply to automobiles, textile, woolen or fur industries, which are regulated by individual laws.
According to Blatman in all cases, individual laws were argued for using reasoned arguments but the overall effect of the legislation was racist.
Also, in its early manifestation, the rule was used to strike down only individual laws, not to dissolve the chamber and throw out all measures passed.