A typical assembly worker makes about 210 rubles a month.
The 200 manufacture and assembly workers wear blue antistatic coats.
Its Spanish assembly workers earn an average of $21,000 a year, parts workers about 40 percent less.
After graduating at secondary school, he worked as an assembly worker.
The 2,500 assembly workers would have a clear choice - move to other plants, some of them far away, or quit.
To detractors, the vehicles look like a mistake, as if an assembly worker forgot to finish his job.
The engineers and assembly workers have done a fine job, but better-sourced parts (particularly trim) would pay dividends.
Management sought assembly workers at the local unemployment office, but was unable to keep up with demand.
The assembly workers here are models of industrial efficiency, rolling out a gleaming new sedan once every 57 seconds.
Previously, assembly workers who were laid off during tool changes collected unemployment benefits and could take vacation at other times.