Preoperative chemotherapy may, however, delay potentially curative surgery.
Induction radiation therapy and en-bloc resection was shown to be potentially curative.
Up to 20% of patients receiving highly emetogenic agents in this era postponed, or even refused, potentially curative treatments.
In each instance, distinct clinical and pathologic details require consideration for appropriate, potentially curative, management.
Potentially curative treatment can be delivered, however, in a few situations.
Some patients even refuse potentially curative chemotherapy partly because of the embarrassing hair loss.
One situation is the addition of radiation therapy after potentially curative surgery.
No potentially curative treatment yet exists except surgery, but most patients have advanced stage disease at presentation and are inoperable at the time of diagnosis.
Only 10% of patients with a diagnosis for pancreatic cancer are able to have potentially curative surgery.
Faith healing has been criticized on the grounds that those who use it may delay seeking potentially curative conventional medical care.