But it added that many used "overly aggressive, potentially abusive marketing practices" to recruit Medicaid patients, and there was often no record of basic services.
Church leaders caution about potentially abusive practices, such as aversion therapy.
Chicago police commanders try to recognize and curb potentially abusive behavior long before it becomes criminal.
Finkel described this last policy as "unnecessary" and "potentially abusive".
While more moderate than a previous version, the bill still contains undemocratic and potentially abusive reforms.
Ms. Szczesiul described potentially abusive situations and asked the students to comment on the outcomes.
For example, as noted above, grantees often seek alternative funding to expand services to women and children in potentially abusive situations.
Further discussed was the potentially abusive power that bouncers can wield in a bar establishment.
Local authorities said the spike in costs had deterred them from seeking to take children at risk from potentially abusive families.
The charity speaks to organizations of young people about recognizing the dangers of potentially abusive relationships.