Employees who expect an annual bonus can ask to postpone payment until January.
Similarly, much of the borrowing behind the entire deal would be arranged to postpone payments for several years.
Deferments allow you to postpone payment on your loan for several months or even years.
Others are trying to wait out the confusion in the tax law by either not working or by postponing payment for their work.
The company's two secured creditors, owed $500 million, also agreed to postpone payments for several years.
Moscow has offered to postpone scheduled payments for 10 years on an interest-free basis.
Egypt has reached an agreement with the Soviet Union to postpone payment of more than $3 billion in military aid debts for 25 years.
In the wake of disappointing Christmas sales, the company said it would postpone payments until Jan. 25.
Nationsbank, the largest bank in the Washington area, will let employees who were furloughed postpone payments without penalty for 30 days.
He has asked a court in Lyon to postpone payment of the damages and court costs while the magazine appeals the case.