Former Chief Minister Ramakrishna Hegde and others say they are not perturbed about possible incursions of armed groups from outside the state.
Gradaščević split his army in two, leaving one part of it in Zvornik to defend against a possible Serbian incursion.
The army participated in the final breach of the line's defences and spent until mid-1944 protecting the Atlantic coast of France from a possible seaborne incursion.
The money was intended to pay for the colonists' own military defence against possible future French incursions.
And that has included specific admonitions from President Jiang Zemin himself to be more vigilant about possible incursions by hostile foreign forces.
His job was now to bring some kind of order to Colorado Territory while defending it against possible incursions by Confederate adventurers who roamed the west.
November 2, 2007, over 5,000 Kurds protested in Turkey against a possible incursion into Iraq's Kurdistan Region.
On 24 November, several Soviet formations began to entrench themselves to defend against possible German incursions originating from the West.
At that moment the possible incursion of outsiders into Haven seemed the least of their worries.
The warship then proceeded to the coast of Lower California to protect American whaling interests against possible incursions by Confederate cruisers.