Engril and Bloor, the portraitist, arrived, bearing portable tools of their trades.
Mr. Howard of Sears said sheets, towels, portable electric tools, exercise bikes, jeans, turtlenecks and terry cloth robes had sold well.
Continuous learning and portable tools for military personnel.
This was the construction of several very small cyclotrons which could be used to power such portable tools as atomic welders.
She tried to chip or scrape the wall surface using her portable medical tools.
Here are some of your options: Circular saw: A portable electric tool, the circular saw is the power version of a crosscut saw or ripsaw.
From this sprang his concept of producing and selling portable electric tools for use in the home, yard and garden.
They're small, thin and lightweight, so whether you want to lounge on the couch or work at the coffee shop, laptops are portable and easy tools to use.
The introduction of the electric motor (and electric distribution networks) in the 1880s made possible the self-powered stationary and portable tools we know today.
A new portable tool to screen vestibular and visual function in children and adults: NIH Toolbox.