Lithuania has the most homogeneous population in the Baltic states.
Founded in the 1940s, Taft originally served the largely homogeneous population of the surrounding area.
When a campus has such a homogeneous population, recruiting minorities for the entering class or the faculty becomes difficult.
It is harder to exploit a homogeneous population where people feel a responsibility to each other because of their common background.
Although large numbers are needed, there is still some advantage to relatively homogeneous populations like Iceland's.
At the same time, a very homogeneous population became gradually more cosmopolitan as economic migrants arrived in increasing numbers.
They believe these resources should be used for the ethnically homogeneous native population, preferably children and the elderly.
Given our very homogeneous population most students are "on task" and they expect much from their teachers.
A. It's very important to study a homogeneous population.
In fact, Iceland has perhaps the most homogeneous population on the planet.