Mrs. Gorbachev gave the family a pop-up Russian fairy-tale book, and received a teapot.
The few pop-up books he saw as a child did not impress him.
The satire is more pointed in sending up modern-day family issues, like overauthoritative parenting experts ("These pop-up books foster delusional behavior!"
He has made multiple appearances at the TED Conference and has published several pop-up books for children.
There are now pop-up books, toy theaters, and lift-the-flap books.
The scenes operate on the same premise as pop-up books and cards, with each montage unfolding like a book and then shutting itself back up.
Six pop-up books Pop-Hop published by Hallmark between 1969 and 1971.
Last but not least are pop-up books, the production of which is a Colombian industry.
In 2008, Sterling Graphics published a pop-up graphic book.
That's because pop-up books are really for adults.