She was everything he had ever wanted in a woman and way more.
College is about being young in a very particular way.
She did get a record deal, but in a way she's been at art school ever since.
"What we want to do is let you experience the story in a personal way."
I didn't know we were in such a bad way.
In a way I am already working on the case.
In a way I could understand him and all the others.
Now we're back to six people again and they're all working for me in a very small way.
In a small but significant way, the answer is yes.
I had known in a general way what was going to happen.
She was the kindest and most patient of his three teachers, although Starfall ran a very near second.
He is kind and true of heart and has many friends.
George is often viewed as the most vulnerable and probably the kindest of the siblings.
That was not very kind or very realistic of him.
The princess s mother thought him the kindest of gentlemen.
It is so very kind and gracious of you to see me.
She appears to be very kind and fond of Oliver.
He is the kindest of the three, and by far the least worldly.
My father was the kindest and most patient of men, and all I know he taught me.
I'd be feeling it more strongly if the weather was kinder of course.