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In other words such crimes are a form of political terrorism.
"People's Will" organized one of the first political terrorism campaigns in history.
It turned into Political Terrorism, his first book on the subject.
As a piece of political terrorism it was supremely effective.
Judge Kemp called the slaying "an act of political terrorism."
Overseas, viruses are emerging as a tool for political terrorism.
How is it that we so easily transform victims of political terrorism into patients requiring treatment?
Political terrorism begun taking an organised form in Bengal at the beginning of the 20th century.
It was formed to combat political terrorism and left-wing revolutionary activity.
The fight against so-called terrorism calls for a clear description of political terrorism.
He has authored several books on topics such as nationalism, political terrorism and courage.
The horrible triangle of environmental rape, drug traffic and political terrorism is the trap we too are caught in.
China simply did what it wanted to do - rule a great people by the political terrorism that is Communism's chief weapon; no apologies.
The document proposed political terrorism as a means of struggle against Russian despotic rule.
"But you were shown a deliberate act of political terrorism on Mars, Will.
The touching point between the far left and the far right may be the use of power and/or political terrorism.
No nudity, dirty talk, heavy violence, sexploitation, political terrorism or horror.
They called the government study "political terrorism."
It was, apparently, one of the first times so many everyday citizens, black and white, had fallen victim to an act of political terrorism.
Some of it was excised; but the part dealing with political terrorism was continued."
Ghosts from Italy's most traumatic episode of political terrorism have suddenly emerged to torment the national soul once again.
Leaders of the group, which supports Boris Yeltsin, called it an act of political terrorism.
His allies had been assassinated and the Parliament has been unable to function for fear of political terrorism.
The court was established to eliminate intimidation of jurors in cases of organized crime and political terrorism.
Many of these episodes are far removed from contemporary political terrorism; the unifying theme is the fear evoked.