Eventually a policeman directed us to the mission... which was now in a different building.
When they came to the small town, a policeman directed them to the railroad station, which was about a half mile out of town.
On the south bank a military policeman directed them to a barn.
The policeman touched his arm and directed him toward the Iibrary.
A policeman directed me to follow him.
A policeman in the middle of the intersection was directing the heavy traffic.
When no more could be found alive, a policeman directed Pitt to the children's hospital and relief center, where he was discovered by his friends.
One former editor recalled a night when a seemingly solicitous policeman directed him around the block to avoid the picket line.
The boys were anxious as they approached a busy corner where a policeman was directing the flow of traffic and pedestrians.
At police headquarters a policeman directed Jason to the fifth floor.