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The idea is simply to point a gun at a man's head, and fire.
Should anybody point a gun at you, just do what he says.
When she did so, he pointed a gun at her.
He then points a gun to Jack's head and forces him to drive home.
With one hand I'm pointing a gun at my head.
Before that he saw Alex point a gun at him.
She points a gun at him, but he kills her first.
A year ago you walked in here and pointed a gun at my head.
Every one of them's pointing a gun at me, and here comes the General himself.
In fact, anyone who could point a gun was recruited.
His own father was actually pointing a gun at him.
Why in God's name was he pointing a gun at his head?
"Why would you go and point a gun at a policeman?"
The police pointed a gun at my nose and I went away.
He was even more surprised when the man turned and pointed a gun at him.
His eyes were wild and he tried to point a gun at Lewis.
She wanted to shoot him, just point a gun at his chest and fire.
After that they pointed a gun at her until she got off of the bus.
Sloan appears and points a gun at the back of the man's head.
One had a plastic guy on top that seemed to be pointing a gun.
There, one of the men stopped, turned and pointed a gun at the officer but did not fire, the police said.
She went as far as to point a gun at Hope.
One of them pointed a gun at an officer, the authorities said.
The police officer said he fired because the man had pointed a gun at him.
"There's absolutely no reason for you to point a gun at me.