How long before someone complains that they did not pay road tax?
They are always charging us more than the road tax.
If you're caught without road tax, it can be an expensive business.
A road tax of $16 a car, and $8 for a trailer, is charged.
Second, the government should abandon its plans to increase road tax on cars bought up to seven years ago.
These were largely sparked by the levels of road taxes.
"Sometimes, they have a guard here, check if you paid the road taxes."
Never mind your road tax, get some insurance if you are going to crash into me.
On the other hand, the state receives revenue from transport, such as road tax.
In practice, however, we still have completely different oil duties, road taxes and so forth.
But no issue in this year's campaign dominated political discourse more than the car tax.
And car tax is raised to a hundred and ten pounds a year.
In Virginia, there was no specific question about the car tax.
And what about the government's own website for renewing your car tax?
They're expected to pay at least £100 more in car tax.
Once again, it was a car tax that had brought Bill Clinton down.
The survey put the average of car rental taxes at 10.65 percent.
When lawmakers signed the final $16 billion budget bill, the car tax wasn't part of it.
Obviously, it is not worth talking about car tax unless you include fuel taxes.
To collect car taxes for a reason like environmental protection makes sense.