The whole country would be under several feet of water.
The ground was firm under my feet, and I moved in on him again.
"I am just so happy to have the earth under my feet after far too long at sea."
That was when the ground began to move under her feet.
He could see under his feet the lines of a star point.
He hadn't felt the turns on the road or land under his feet.
It felt strong under his feet and he set himself.
He could almost feel the world turning under his feet.
Mark could feel in the ground under his own feet the impact of that fall.
Even the ground seems to grow and move under your feet.
The whole country would be under several feet of water.
The ground was firm under my feet, and I moved in on him again.
"I am just so happy to have the earth under my feet after far too long at sea."
That was when the ground began to move under her feet.
He could see under his feet the lines of a star point.
He hadn't felt the turns on the road or land under his feet.
It felt strong under his feet and he set himself.
He could almost feel the world turning under his feet.
Mark could feel in the ground under his own feet the impact of that fall.
Even the ground seems to grow and move under your feet.