A single axon may make as many as several thousand synaptic connections with other cells.
Experience, however, is required to refine the matrix of synaptic connections, which in its developed form contains far more information than the genome does.
Remembered absolutely, that is - down to the last cell; the last synaptic connection.
You have the ability to change the synaptic connections within the brain.
Each of the 10 (one hundred billion) neurons has on average 7,000 synaptic connections to other neurons.
When a neuron fires the message is transmitted along all synaptic connections to other neurons until it can no longer continue.
This allowed analysis of the specific synaptic connections that are modified by learning in the intact animals.
In neuropsychology, the average adult human brain contains 100 billion neurons and maybe 10,000 times more synaptic connections.
To do this it must strengthen the synaptic connections.
E is like a cultural neurotransmitter that's creating synaptic connections between different people.