At the same time, a separate plot was unraveling along the United States-Canadian border.
As this plot unravelled, many of the plane's greatest warriors stepped up to face the threat as a united front.
However, a plot quickly unravels that Roger wasn't the only one who was intent on unfair play.
The plot, which involved many accomplices and dubious alibis, had unravelled quickly.
But in March 1378 all his plots finally unravelled.
As the plot unravels, so does Mary.
Critics cited Channing Tatum's "likable lead performance, and fight scenes are impressive, but the paper-thin plot ultimately unravels."
Musically, the plot unravels with dark and ominous themes.
The plot unravels with Martin's duplicitous nature clashing against his desires to win Susan's heart.
As the plot unravels, the purpose of the Inbit invasion is revealed: to find a suitable place to evolve into more complex beings.