The plot merely provides the occasions for display of the voice's own apparatus, struggles and passions.
Typical of Bournonville's ballets, the plot provides opportunities for introducing different dance divertissements.
Each plot provided just enough room to sustain an extended family of cattle herders and wheat farmers.
A plot of the tip height at all measurement positions on the raster provides the topograph.
The private plots were responsible for a significant fraction of agricultural production, and provided the peasants with a large part of their food and income.
The plot for each dungeon usually provides a reason for the time limit.
In the 1920s, about 60 percent of the peasants were either landless or were cultivating plots too small to provide a decent living.
"The plots provided me were brief, yet certain hackneyed names and situations could not be bypassed," she wrote.
That is out of the question, Mr. Wen said, because these plots provide the only safety net in rural areas.
In the traditional realist novel the plot provides a principle of organization, while symbolic structures are fitted in around this frame.