As the plot proceeds readers see his struggle to remain loyal to the dictator in the face of the regime's increasingly horrific acts.
The plot then proceeds to the haunted house, where Susan's guardians, not believing in the ghost, have hired an actor to play the part.
The plot proceeds to a curiously murderous twist.
Joe's calming assurances-that Green's scheme was impossible and he was as good as caught-were most likely fabrications to keep Rick in line while the plot proceeded.
The plot proceeds with rapid-fire twists.
While the plot against Cranmer was proceeding, the reformers were being attacked on other fronts.
The plot then proceeds to reveal its pleasures by inches, one mission and side-quest at a time.
The plot proceeds to Anna reuniting with her parents and later, them killing themselves to make her, and her brother Ben, legal.
They are then captured and taken to Planet Galra, where the plot proceeds similarly.
Elkin's plots seldom proceed straightforwardly, either.