The star witness testified to a bungled and 'cheap' plot, led by an indecisive Kellestine: "They were at the very bottom rung of biker gangs.
Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators are arrested, ending the plot led by Robert Catesby.
In 639, there was a failed plot, led by the Eastern Tujue prince Ashina Jiesheshuai, to assassinate Emperor Taizong.
Sandy confessed to pledging to join a vast plot, led by the city's slaves, to burn the city.
In 572 Alboin was murdered in Verona in a plot led by his wife, Rosamund, who later fled to Ravenna.
The plot of the film centers around a group of schoolchildren, led by Curley (Olsen), playing pranks on their teacher, Ms. Johnson (Rafferty).
Later this group was integrated into the main plot led by a group of generals; Mậu had helped to liaise between some of these generals.
Later, during the early years of Stephen's reign, Nigel claimed to have uncovered a plot led by Ranulf to assassinate Normans.
Note that both Polaris and the Irish Fabians were accused of being involved in a syn-archic plot led by the Jews.
In 1488 Giovanni had also to crush a plot against him, led by the Malvezzi family, whose members were almost all hanged or exiled.