The general plot was conceived by the developers, and Rupert Goodwins was asked to write the novella included with the game.
A plot of this magnitude and audacity would only have been conceived under faultless cover and down to the smallest detail.
The plot for Moon Over Water was conceived back in the early eighties when I was still new to the writing business.
The plot was originally conceived as a humorous campaign designed to show the flaws in the NHL voting system.
The plot was conceived from a screenplay written by Gregory Allen Howard.
The plot was conceived after the crew decided that they wanted to make an episode with adventure, featuring the characters going out on a large quest of sorts.
He also felt the plot was poorly conceived and was combined with a badly written script and uninteresting characters:
But since his plot and characters are hollowly conceived, these volatile topics feel like trendy ingredients selected at random to flavor a bland stew.
The plot was conceived from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility.
The episode's plot was conceived by Jean, who was inspired by a segment about found artists on the television news magazine 60 Minutes.