In the wrong hands, the drive can cause global chaos and criminal war, leading to Daredevil to play cat-and-mouse with those who desire it.
There was nobody in sight - a foregone conclusion, with the noise I had made, unless they were playing cat-and-mouse.
And they say he won't discourage any Jacksonville talk because he enjoys playing cat-and-mouse with the news media.
Berger was often purposely playing cat-and-mouse with the police.
Might he be playing cat-and-mouse with me before having me killed some way?
Great, that means I'll get to play cat-and-mouse with him through the whole visit.
If Korbeith indeed enjoyed playing cat-and-mouse, he had little patience for it.
They might even have searched his cabin already; might be playing cat-and-mouse.
Austin didn't know why Aguirrez was playing verbal cat-and-mouse, but he went along with the game.
But he still had a feeling inside him that Thule knew what had happened, and was only playing cat-and-mouse with them.