After the riot, top police officials explained plausibly that they had been taken by surprise.
Employers remember the bad old days of the 1970's and early 80's, when any worker arriving late could plausibly explain that "the train broke down."
But the ludicrous field settings that preceded it have never been plausibly explained.
You can plausibly explain his presence as a part of your campaign to reduce your employee turnover.
One critic of the pre-2006 twin studies said that they were too small and their results can be plausibly explained on non-genetic grounds.
Hence, depending on their mass, axions could plausibly explain the dark matter problem of physical cosmology.
Mr. Wizner said the government had not plausibly explained how national security interests might be harmed by a trial.
The story suffers from a flaw: the technology is never plausibly explained, nor why humankind would enslave itself this way.
The involvement of dopamine in reinforcement could plausibly explain the positive effects of schizophrenia.
I try to explain plausibly.