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In our case we give them to field managers and plant design.
He became an industrial engineer in 1995 and worked on plant design.
These include industrial plant design, production, sales management, operations, research, and development.
We've also included a full colour planting design from each garden to provide you with even more inspiration!
However, lower explosion limits may be relevant to plant design.
The plant design in these cases must accommodate the largest waves and water levels that can be expected.
Utility systems such as electric power and water supply should also be included in the plant design.
We need continuous research into safer plant design and a fuller answer to these very difficult problems.
"A planting design that disintegrates in winter is a weak one."
Annie is also developing a range of Scottish plant designs for the more conservative home market.
The proposed system would allow approval of standard, or "generic", plant designs.
In recent months, a procession of political leaders has pressed China to favor power plant designs and equipment from their home countries.
In the plant design, the units are sized for the maximum capacity each may have to handle.
It can provide specialized environments for architecture, civil engineering, mapping, or plant design, among others.
It has gone through many changes which reflect Oudolf's constantly developing planting design.
The plant design was changed to be dual fuel on either natural gas or heavy fuel oil.
It is used in the hard rock mining industry for risk management and mitigation during mineral processing plant design.
In plant design, typically less than 1 per cent of ideas for new designs ever become commercialized.
In particular, these previous studies did not reflect current plant design, operation, accident management strategies or security enhancements.
Embrittlement depends mostly on plant design, metallurgy and years of operation.
Two planting designs are used, the square/rectangle and the hedgerow system.
One term of this series divided into the other equals 1.6180, which is the ratio needed to explain the plant design system."
To prove his point, he tricks Homer into entering a nuclear power plant design contest intended for children.
But he has cultivated the outdoors, planting designs in the landscape to see if visual relationships will grow.
Gone, too, is some of the German equipment inside, as the plant design has been altered to Russian specifications.