Old Tunnels Still Needed For decades politicians and planners warned that the city needed a new water tunnel.
Yet urban planners and retail experts warn that even if retailers do flock to reconfigured strips, they alone can not save downtowns.
One financial planner warns that "unemployment is inevitable."
Moreover, planners warned that the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge would only accelerate the automobile's conquest of the region, facilitating the rush to suburbia.
While some educators doubt assertions that design can affect behavior - and academic achievement - planners warn not to underestimate its impact.
But planners have warned that Johannesburg's aging, clogged highway system will need even greater improvements to accommodate World Cup visitors.
And financial planners warn against owning too many funds that own the same stocks.
Yet many financial planners warn investors against putting more than 5 percent into such funds.
But financial planners and mortgage analysts warn buyers against using interest-only mortgages to look beyond their means.
Urban consumers take scarce water from farmers, while planners warn of smothering new restrictions on industry.