But both planners urge Mr. Giuliani to make sure his liking for muni bonds doesn't influence those accounts too much.
For years, financial planners have urged clients to buy much cheaper term coverage and put the savings in premiums into mutual funds or individual stocks.
Good personal planners do not urge their clients to shoot for big investment returns for the returns' own sake, he said.
Some architects and planners urged a rethinking of New Orleans's sprawl, arguing that the city should be consolidated.
And financial planners are urging bold clients to invest in home building companies.
He then worked as a blacksmith until 1985, when a financial planner for whom he shod horses urged him to consider a money management career.
Only at a friend's urging did he decide to talk to a financial planner, Mr. Law of American Express.
Because stocks have risen so much over the last year, Mr. Logvin's financial planner has urged him to be cautious about buying even more of them.
Preservationists and planners studying the plan, however, urged the university to find new uses for more old buildings while not evicting those who refused to sell.
While he thought 5 percent was good, both planners urged 10 percent.