Although no one can know for sure, many financial planners believe that rates are likely to go up fairly soon.
Simply put, planners believed that "the bomber will always get through".
Open-space planners believe this is a critical time for the region, and they have targeted special environmental opportunities.
However, other planners believe unfettered development is creating a vital new part of the metropolitan region.
Military planners must do this calculation daily, and believe me, they do care about the human cost.
If it's because planners believe that we will continue to occupy Iraq for the next three to five years or more, then someone should say so.
Still, for some cities and suburbs, many planners believe that the new traffic technologies can at least hold off the worst consequences.
However, the lack of the means (logistical among other things), meant the planners did not believe the operation could be carried out.
In this early stage, planners believed the settlers would be relocated from the Altreich.
Before the war, the Pentagon's planners apparently believed that this would not be a great problem.