The guiding rule, financial planners agree, is that couples must feel comfortable with whatever arrangements they make.
School officials and planners agree they are not sure what is causing the rise in birth rates or how long the increases will last.
But planners agree that before the waterfront can become an economic power, the transportation problems must be resolved.
The plan's impact will add increased momentum to upgrading the neighborhood, planners agree.
He said the American and Turkish military planners had not yet agreed on a final plan.
But planners and legislators agree that the latest round has reached new levels of intensity.
Eventually, the planners agreed that it made the most sense to fly directly into the compound.
She added that planners had agreed to give up about 16 housing units to keep the new lot clear for the casita.
The biggest risk for investments at this time of life is inflation, planners agree, not market volatility.
Not all planners agree with this analysis, especially as it applies to specific regions rather than the country as a whole.