Likewise, changes in wealth perceived to be temporary due to fluctuating market values of assets would not affect planned spending.
This being the case, people will feel able to hold smaller money balances in relation to their planned spending than would have been the case without such substitutes.
By law the city has to balance the budget each year by closing any gap between planned spending and expected revenues.
The Wikimedia Foundation's total planned spending is $28.3 million in the 2011-12 fiscal year.
Spending reductions totaling $8 billion this year will shave about 3 percent of planned spending from state budgets, the governors' report said.
Mr. Gaffney, he said, also tripled planned spending for farmland preservation from $5 million to $15 million over the next three years.
Budget preparation leads to the presentation of a document indicating planned spending under various headings known as budget heads.
The World Bank's support for the decade's first two years fell short by as much as $800 million on a planned spending of up to $2000 million.
We can again cut the planned spending in order to preserve the final phase of the tax cut.
Labelled drug-related expenditures are defined as the direct planned spending that reflects the voluntary engagement of the state in the field of illicit drugs.