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This is a most weighty consideration: But the times require plain dealing.
Nothing astonishes men so much as common-sense and plain dealing.
Plain dealing does not always make for the most exciting or the most adventurous food.
Like most programmers, Wiz preferred straight talk and plain dealing.
Plain Dealing is known for its abundant dogwood trees, which bloom in the early spring.
Not so well as plain dealing, which will not cost a man a doit.
This was plain dealing indeed, but it was very harsh to me, at least I thought it so.
Burial was in the family plot at the Plain Dealing Cemetery.
Plain Dealing recorded the state's hottest temperature ever, 114 degrees, on August 10, 1936.
He is interred along with his parents at Plain Dealing Cemetery.
The largest of the lakes, Lake Plain Dealing, remains popular for recreation.
Plain dealing was always best.
It was obvious the only thing straight talk and plain dealing would get him in this situation was a quick trip to The Rock.
"Troth, sir," said Alan, "I ask for nothing but plain dealing.
The waverers, seeing the impossibility of plain dealing with the court, rallied again to the party of resistance.
He was an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Plain Dealing.
No artifice, no breach of truth and plain dealing, - not so much as secret ballot, is suffered in the island.
In all this procedure I can discern neither the solid sense of plain dealing nor the subtle dexterity of ingenious fraud.
Come, come, says Mr Vincent, plain dealing.
Record high temperature: 114 F (46 C) at Plain Dealing on Aug. 10, 1936.
Peyton thereafter attended nearby Plain Dealing High School.
Tugwell was born in Plain Dealing in northern Bossier Parish.
Such was the fate of the Plain Dealing and Well Meaning Clubs; conflicts between the two groups led to their suppression in March 1769.
Plain Dealing is a historic home located near Keene, Albemarle County, Virginia.
Leon Sanders, Jr. (1913-2004), mayor of Plain Dealing from September 16, 1958-December 31, 1998.