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Until 15 years ago, olives were stuffed with pimentos by hand.
It is found in the oils of pimento and cloves.
When it was really bad, he lived on olives and pimentos from a jar.
These pimentos are the familiar red stuffing found in quality green olives.
"Like we'd have anything other than the pimento kind."
Arrange the strips of pimento on top and bake 5 minutes more.
He couldn't cut the pimento out of a stuffed olive.
Because of this, today the pimento oil from the allspice is usually used for the men's dress.
Remove the pimentos from the can and slice them.
Using a food processor, coarsely chop them, then add the pimento.
In addition to meat, spring onions, pimento and vinegar are added.
But even these are better than any canned peppers (often called pimentos) you have ever tasted.
The meat can also be cooked over pimento wood.
In a large bowl, combine the corn with the scallions and pimentos.
A variety that includes olives and pimentos is called olive loaf.
Pimento and bacon strips were then added to it.
Do not ask for the traditional - she doesn't like to make that kind because it calls for pimentos.
Cook about 1 minute, stirring, and add the cream and pimento.
Our chicken and pimentos are simmering on the stove.
Drain, arrange on salad plates and top with pimento.
For the sauce I use shallots, grated ginger, garlic and pimentos.
Add the pimentos and olives and cook for 18 to 20 more minutes or until tender.
Pimentos for Gus released three separate albums in the 1990s.
Brenda has to make coffee with her pimento!
Each has a working barbecue pit which they cover with pimento wood to add flavour.
Cut the pimientos into strips, about the width of the steak ribbons.
Arrange the pimiento strips over the rice and transfer to the oven.
Continue until steak and pimientos are evenly divided among eight skewers.
Today it is a simple dish with potatoes, onions, pimientos, and tomatoes.
These sweet pimiento peppers are also the familiar red stuffing found in prepared Spanish green olives.
The flavorful sirloin arrived with sauteed pimientos and french fries.
Pimiento was arrested February 16, 2007 after being involved in the Para-political scandal.
Another pepper to look for that will be available as starter plants at garden centers is Pimiento Elite.
'I'm beginning to feel like the red pimiento in a stuffed olive.'
On the second it is revealed that Kinsey likes an olive and pimiento cheese sandwich for lunch.
It sells bell peppers, roasted peppers, pimientos, and sweet potatoes.
Repeat process with the pimientos.
Unmould each casserole of pimiento on the centre of a large plate.
It is also a common snack in the Philippines, where it is referred to as cheese pimiento.
The flesh of the pimiento is sweet, succulent and more aromatic than that of the red bell pepper.
Pimiento is a Spanish loanword.
In the industrial era, the cut pimiento was shot via hydraulic pump through the olive, getting rid of the pit in the process.
For the adults in your group, there are delicious pimientos de padron (hot little green peppers, salted and sautéed).
Speaking of specials, stay clear of the filet mignon stuffed with sweet sausage and pimientos.
Stir in 25g/1oz chopped canned pimientos, season with cayenne pepper and add a dash of lemon juice.
In Spain, heatless varieties are called pimiento and hot varieties guindilla.
Tavern ham, salami, pimiento loaf.
She last hosted a show in 1999 for the cookery based game show Tomates y Pimientos.
The mixed salad just begins with iceberg and adds avocado, artichoke hearts, pimiento, white asparagus, tomato and cucumber.
Cut the supremes of chicken into collops across the breast and arrange them overlapping around the pimiento casserole.