They are commonly known as pill bugs or potato bugs.
Sammy drew into an even tighter ball, like a pill bug, curling around his pains.
Being hugged by a five-foot-long pill bug was no small matter.
The best known species in the family is Armadillidium vulgare, the common pill bug.
The pill bug has three basic body parts called the head, thorax, and abdomen, and they can be many sizes.
Several times he almost shut down, almost fell to the ground and curled into a ball like a pill bug.
The species are noted for resemblance to the common woodlouse or pill bug, to which they are related.
Individual pill bugs typically live for two or three years, and females brood eggs once or twice each summer.
He spread the dirt around with his finger, but all we saw was a little pill bug.
The three girls rolled and crawled into the room like giant pill bugs.