Some rock star instant-emperor on the cover, pierced eyebrows, a silver stud through his tongue.
One pierced eyebrow and three visible tattoos between the two of them.
Piercings other than in the ear were actually quite rare among men: 2 percent had pierced tongues, and 1 percent reported pierced eyebrows, nipples or genitals.
I noticed he had a pierced eyebrow.
Sarah amused herself for a moment picturing fifteen-year-old Blair, with her pierced eyebrow, teaching the dignified old judge the top-ten teenage insults.
GoodNews is a charismatic but inarticulate visionary who has turtle-shaped brooches dangling from his pierced eyebrows and does not believe in beds or dishwashers.
Grandmothers and pierced eyebrows were in equal abundance.
ÚThe man with the pierced eyebrow replaced the yellow axe on the wall.
"Blah, blah, blah," added his friend, who had a pierced eyebrow and dreadlocks.
In the bar, Alvin's pierced eyebrow rose.