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The police were called but there was no physical altercation.
You're looking at size of the person, so if there was a physical altercation, would I have any chance?
The police said there had been a physical altercation but did not elaborate.
"The only thing we know is that for whatever reason, there was an extremely physical altercation," he said.
I'm afraid that the problem is far more common than the physical altercations described in your report.
If an adult shouldn't throw himself in the middle of a physical altercation, what else can he do?
A witness told the police that there was "a physical altercation."
But rarely do elected officials come close to a physical altercation over the matter.
A person reported that they could hear a female and male possibly in a physical altercation.
The transition was not met without a brief physical altercation between the two men.
The disadvantage was that I could not hold my own when it came to physical altercations.
A brief physical altercation between members of the two bands took place on stage.
A parking attendant and a male were involved in a physical altercation.
Despite the heavy tension, the two managers never had a physical altercation.
Rip refuses, and gets in a physical altercation with Jack.
He refused to answer officers' questions and a physical altercation occurred, according to police reports.
Upon arrival two adults, male and female were involved in a physical altercation on the ground.
No shots were fired, not any kind of physical altercation occurred.
Of course, all three year old children are just learning these controls so there will inevitably be physical altercations.
"She absolutely denies ever going for the gun or getting into a physical altercation with either police officer," he said.
However, there is no real damage to the house and Browning does not get into a physical altercation with anyone.
There was no physical altercation, but both witnesses said Sanchez appeared ready for one.
You can't instigate a physical altercation with a grown man.
Police said initial inquiries indicated the man died after a physical altercation.
Photos of the boy following the alleged incident do not show any physical altercation between father and son.