She was also a board member or trustee of many philanthropic and cultural groups.
He won a $5,000 scholarship from a nonprofit philanthropic group.
Instead, the money is to be channeled through American aid agencies, nongovernment organizations and philanthropic groups.
Ms. Miller said she was fielding offers from a variety of organizations, including philanthropic groups.
But within the last 10 years, community leaders, along with various government agencies and philanthropic groups, began the task of redeveloping the area.
Theoretically, another philanthropic group could offer higher bids on the land for the same purpose.
And charity experts say philanthropic groups are generally expected to keep overhead costs at 20 percent of their annual budget or less.
Hopkins also takes time to support other various philanthropic groups.
In the Netherlands, religious and philanthropic groups are responsible for much of the probationary care.
She takes time to support various philanthropic groups.