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The pharmaceutical industry, of course, has not always had its way.
We're not talking about having a pharmaceutical, or even a lead.
He also had experience working in the pharmaceutical research industry and running a small business.
But it had nothing to with the real pharmaceutical industry.
"This is not something made up by the pharmaceutical industry."
We all know that the pharmaceutical industry is very big business.
Has more than 10 years of experience in pharmaceutical activities.
I myself also believe that the pharmaceutical industry has an important role to play.
And a big pharmaceutical company is out to take it away from him.
That will be available to pharmaceutical companies - for a price.
There was once a pharmaceutical company that could do no wrong.
A number of large traditional pharmaceutical companies are moving in as well.
What are the pharmaceutical companies, to which this should be of interest, doing about it?
Finally, no financial support should have been provided by a pharmaceutical company.
Time to development of pharmaceutical treatment is expected to take several years.
These days, it is often not enough for pharmaceutical companies simply to bring a drug to market.
The pharmaceutical industry is expected to challenge the law in court.
Are the doctors just playing the game of the big pharmaceutical companies?
Such studies are under way at several pharmaceutical companies, researchers said.
"Growth in the pharmaceutical business was particularly strong," he said.
Well, the whole pharmaceutical industry takes short cuts at times.
The pharmaceutical companies back home would have loved to get that one.
In the pharmaceutical industry you are buying research and development.
It is also used in pharmaceutical and personal care products.
Soon after, it started to sell pharmaceutic products.
Rodríguez worked for four years in the pharmaceutic industry.
Messrs May and Baker, our trusted pharmaceutic friends worked around the clock to make vaccines.
They are without pharmaceutic value.
It is marketed by GlaxoSmithKline and many other pharmaceutic manufacturers.
Today, long-chain poly-unsaturated fatty acids are regarded as substances with beneficial potential in pharmaceutic and nutritional applications.
Additionally, combinations with the antifibrinolytic agent tranexamic acid have been withdrawn from pharmaceutic markets.
Anti-psychiatry came to challenge a "biomedical" focus of psychiatry (defined to mean genetics, neurochemicals and pharmaceutic drugs).
Optical microscopy is used extensively in microelectronics, nanophysics, biotechnology, pharmaceutic research, mineralogy and microbiology.
José Ingenieros, Argentine physician, pharmaceutic, positivist philosopher and essayist.
In some countries, a teaspoon full (also "teaspoonful" or simply "teaspoon") is a unit of volume, especially in cooking recipes and pharmaceutic prescriptions.
Other uses for RFNA include fertilizers, dye intermediates, explosives, and pharmaceutic aid as acidifier.
Last year, said Dr. Stephen Rubino, senior product manager at Schering Laboratories in Kenilworth, N.J., the pharmaceutic company paid $1.2 million for this campaign.
An example of medical anthropology, the book has been cited by medical journals and lecturers as an argument for greater cultural competence, and often assigned to medical, pharmaceutic, and anthropological students in the US.
When the American pharmaceutic company Pfizer realises that a molecule tested against heart failure has positive effects on erection, Ronald Virag is immediately consulted for a first assessment which will decide upon launching Research on the topic.
The tuition fee for international students, for an academic undergraduate year, varies from $3200 for technical, economics, humanities, agronomy, sport programs, $3500 for medical and pharmaceutic programs, $4700 for musical and artistic programs, to $7600 for dramatic arts, theatrical and film direction.
In those years Furichius experimented with pharmaceutic alchemy and - although frowned upon by the local Protestant orthodoxy - established bonds to the Rosicrucian movement, namely to the Hamburgian Rosicrucian, obsessed bibliophile and keen traveller Joachim Morsius (1593-1643).