They wrote on perishable materials, such as large leaves, and also created inscriptions in stone.
The handles were often of perishable material and there are few surviving examples.
Whatever the case it is sure they were written on perishable material.
The areas between these larger groups contained houses made from perishable materials that are no longer easy to see.
Items made of perishable materials, such as wood, for the most part have not survived.
Tablewares made of perishable materials, like wood, may have been even more widespread.
Most writing would have been on perishable materials, such as papyrus.
However, baskets seldom survive, as they are made from perishable materials.
These early peoples lacked a writing system, and made works on perishable materials, so few records of them exist from this time.
Not many boards survive because of the perishable materials used in their construction.