If the program is approved, it pays for being listed on a per-student basis, usually the minimum, or $550 additional, according to Anne Shattuck, director of operations.
On a per-student basis, the increase in Commonwealth funding amounted to 136% for government schools and 71% for non-government schools.
The Board of Education would pay the management company on a per-student basis to operate a school.
This trend has taken its toll over 25 years: Since the 1990's, California has ranked in the bottom half nationally for educational spending on a per-student basis.
Valued at $21,633 per student, the university maintains one of the largest endowments among Canadian universities on a per-student basis.
On a per-student basis, we are paid less than professors in other systems.
On a per-student basis, Princeton has the largest university endowment in the world.
For the 2012 fiscal year, the value of the college's endowment was approximately $320 million, making it one of the highest in the United States on a per-student basis.
State and state integrated schools are allocated funding from the Government on a per-student basis to fund the running of the school.
In order to support its extensive scholarship program, Berea College has one of the largest financial reserves of any American college when measured on a per-student basis.