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Instead he insisted that they remained distributed in penny packets throughout the state.
But were spread in penny packets on other missions.
He originated the idea of selling garden seeds in "penny packets" and built a very successful business on the concept.
They were distributed in penny packets to enable localised counterattacks.
Smith's Potato Crisps sold its early crisps in three penny packets, 24 to a tin.
The U.S. military in Iraq is all spread out in penny packets fighting insurgents.
Browning expressed his opinion that the force must not be sacrificed in "penny packets", and urged the formation of a third brigade.
Yekran had accidentally hit on one of the basic rules for using secret weapons: don't spring them on the enemy in penny packets.
It was full of kindlewood, little penny packets of kindlewood, tied up with string.
Parks nodded again, though the thought of parceling out battlecruisers in penny packets which couldn't possibly face a concentrated attack was hardly appealing.
"But I'm in a hurry," he says, watching in amazement as I continue rolling the penny packets in her direction.
One Whitehall source said the idea was to stop development money for the tribal regions arriving "in penny packets" and to make sure it reached its target.
With one airman in overall charge, air assets could be concentrated for maximum offensive capability, not frittered away in ineffective "penny packets."
"Many air power theorists had long cautioned against using air power in penny packets or in hyper-constrained political environments," he wrote in the 2005 paper.
"It's more likely to be in the region of 5,000 and they will be an assortment of penny packets from different nations," the source told the London Times.
There are rumours everywhere about people being eased out in penny packets or, at best, highly qualified specialists sitting around twiddling their thumbs because they have nothing much to do.
Armored forces were often committed in penny packets, with lack of effective infantry support and artillery co-operation, making them vulnerable to US and ARVN countermeasures.
If the Americans and British try to hold territory supposedly cleared of Taliban with penny packets of troops then these are vulnerable to being suddenly targeted by the other side.
Operationally, the Belgian armed forces, apart from the cavalry units, followed the rather ineffective World War One "penny packet" doctrine, also used in the French army at the time.
And he learnt to smoke, not with pipes and brown paper and cane as Tom had done, but with a penny packet of Boys of England American cigarettes.
With penny packets of two to four aircraft at each location, such a tactic increases the difficulty of effective co-ordination, and command and control, it also increases vulnerability to attack from the ground.
Armor was not used en masse for shock, but in penny packets in an infantry support role exclusively; tank against tank fighting with the Japanese was never contemplated and never attempted.
Earlier, the men of the 3rd Brigade who had survived the landing made no attempt to find their companies, but in the total confusion they set out in isolated groups, 'penny packets', to climb after the unseen enemy.
Lieutenant General Montgomery reimposed and reinforced this principle when he assumed command of the Eighth Army in North Africa in 1942, halting a tendency to split divisions into uncoordinated brigades and "penny packets".
In this context it was possible for the US to send out penny packets of troops into Sunni areas which were desperate for defenders against Shia death squads and al-Qa'ida commanders demanding that they send their sons to fight.