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He said, "Does it have any penetrative power?"
The small and light arrow of the comparatively weak Chinese crossbow had little penetrative power.
Sound hasn't the penetrative power of radio.
It had a higher muzzle velocity and thus greater penetrative power than the Pak 40.
The weapon thus had great penetrative power, as its weight, unusually high for a javelin, was channeled into a tiny point.
The fundamental purpose of this weapon seems to have been to develop a sling shot with the penetrative power of a point.
The gunpowder weapons may have a lower range but their extra penetrative power makes them especially useful against heavily armoured foes.
As such it can be used, for instance, to test the penetrative power of projectiles, or the stopping power of body armour.
Traveling with the speed of light, having a wave length shorter than any other known, those rays were bombarding the earth with a remarkable penetrative power.
Depleted uranium is used by many countries, and especially Western countries, as ammunition in their wars because of its high penetrative power, especially against armoured vehicles.
The shiny titalium of his bunker couldn't withstand the penetrative power of an Iconian gateway.
The spiculum was better than the old pilum when used as a thrusting spear, but still maintained some of the former weapon's penetrative power when thrown.
Because of its low cost, and low profit margin, drug peddlers rely on mass distribution to make money, thus increasing its penetrative power to all, including schoolchildren.
For example, to increase penetrative power, a large and specially hardened steel plug had to be precisely machined and mated to a recess in the nose of the bomb.
In his 1938 essay, The Penetrative Powers of the Price System, Innis anticipates his later concept of monopolies of knowledge.
Pictorial evidence suggests that some versions of the weapon were weighted by a lead ball to increase penetrative power but archeological specimens of this design variant are not so far known.
The simpler bows were used by the bulk of the archers, while the available composite bows went first to the chariotry, where their penetrative power was necessary to pierce scale armor.
Pictorial evidence suggests that some versions of the weapon were weighted with a lead ball at the base of the shank in order to increase penetrative power, but no archaeological specimens have been found.
Although of lower muzzle velocity than the 12 C50 gun the 13.5 C45 weapon's heavier shell maintained its in-flight velocity to a greater range and so had greater hitting and penetrative power.
The greatest meteor would be crushed to drifting dust without so much as scarring that wall of mighty force ... meteors traveling with a speed and penetrative power that no gun-hurled projectile could ever hope to attain.
When added to starch paste it increases its penetrative power, adds to its softness without diminishing its thickness, makes it easier to wash Out of the fabric and produces much more level colours than starch paste alone.
It was known that rifled ordnance provided more accuracy, a greater range and more penetrative power, which was the rationale behind the development and on-board shipping of the breech-loading cannon developed by the company owned by Sir William Armstrong.
These deep wedges had considerable penetrative power, but were unmaneuverable and vulnerable to flank attack due to the resulting narrow frontage of the army, facts which led to the ultimate defeat of the Knights at the Battle of Lake Peipus.
His inaugural address, entitled The Penetrative Powers of the Price System, must have baffled his listeners as he ranged over centuries of economic history jumping abruptly from one topic to the next linking monetary developments to patterns of trade and settlement.
"If, then, the penetrative power of telescopes has not been further increased, it is because that power detracts from their light; and the moon, which is but a reflecting mirror, does not give back sufficient light to enable us to perceive objects of lesser magnitude."